## Warning in wkt(obj): CRS object has no comment

## Warning in wkt(obj): CRS object has no comment
## Warning in sp::proj4string(bufferSHP): CRS object has comment, which is lost in
## output

Summary of defined parameters

The buffer for the points to be valid is set to 10 meters from the sampled point
The minimum duration for a survey to be valid is set to 30 minutes
The minimum duration taken into account the household size (duration per individual) for a survey to be valid is set to 10 minutes
Questions with values to be checked for
Questions Lower bound Upper bound
consent_received.food_security.spend_clothing 200 5000
consent_received.food_security.spend_communication 100 1000
consent_received.food_security.spend_debts 500 25000
consent_received.food_security.spend_education 400 10000
consent_received.food_security.spend_fix_shelter 300 5000
consent_received.food_security.spend_food 400 25000
consent_received.food_security.spend_fuel 100 15000
consent_received.food_security.spend_hh_items 100 5000
consent_received.food_security.spend_hygiene 300 10000
consent_received.food_security.spend_medication 250 15000
consent_received.food_security.spend_other 500 25000
consent_received.food_security.spend_rent 300 25000
consent_received.food_security.spend_tobacco 100 1000
consent_received.food_security.spend_transport 100 1000
Questions with an expected minimum number of answers
consent_received.shelter_nfi.non_food_items 3
consent_received.food_security.main_income 2
consent_received.child_protection.boy_risk 3
consent_received.child_protection.girl_risk 3

Overall duration of the assessment till now

The total time of data collection is 17872.7 minutes and the average time per survey is 35.89 minutes


Most of the analysis selected outputed a detailed report which could be used for further analysis or to prepare the cleaning log
Reports exported in .csv
reportassessmentDailyValidSurveys reportisInterviewTooShortForTheHouseholdSize
reportassessmentDuration reportisInterviewWithConsent
reportassessmentDurationOutliers reportisSurveyEndBeforeItStarts
reportassessmentProductivity reportisSurveyMadeInTheFuture
reportassessmentTrackingSheet reportisSurveyOnMoreThanADay
reportenumeratorErrorsDashboard reportisSurveyStartedBeforeTheAssessment
reportenumeratorIsLazy reportisUniqueIDDuplicated
reportenumeratorProductivity reportisUniqueIDMissing
reportenumeratorProductivityOutliers reportsurveyBigValues
reportenumeratorSurveysConsent reportsurveyDistinctValues
reportenumeratorSurveysDuration reportsurveyMissingValues
reportisInterviewAtTheSamplePoint reportsurveyOtherValues
reportisInterviewCompleted reportsurveyOutliers
reportisInterviewInTheCorrectSite reportsurveySmallValues

Overview of errors which should lead to a survey deletion

Programming Checks

These errors are most likely linked to some issues with the phones/ tablets used for the data collection, server configuration or connectivity issues.

Enumerators Checks

These errors are most likely linked to some lack of technical training of the enumerators, like proper use of a GPS, being certain the survey is ended in the tool used for the data collection before moving to the next one. Or to some bad behaviours for the surveys marked as too short.

Assessment follow-up


Follow-up on the daily productivity.

Daily surveys by status

Follow-up on the daily productivity taking into account the surveys status to get a closer look on the ones which would be usable at the end.

Surveys duration outliers

The surveys duration distribution could be usefull to revise the minimum expected duration of one survey.

Tracking Sheet

The tracking sheet is a powerfull tool to monitor the progress of the assessment and to warn about the potential shortage of sampled points available in some areas.

There is not enough points available to reach the sample size for:

palong khali

Enumerators follow-up


Basic average number of surveys made daily by each enumerators (based on the number of days the enumerators worked).

Productivity outliers

The productivity distribution, in combination with the Productivity, could be usefull to identify enumerators who are particularly performent or on the other hand not enough. Keeping in mind an enumerator who over performed could be an enumerator who is cheating. A further analysis crossed with the Percentage of valid surveys, the Survey duration distribution and the time spend per question could help to identify the way the duration distribution has to be interpreted.

Percentage of valid surveys

Within all the surveys made by each enumerator, what is the percentage of them which could be used for the assessment analysis.

Surveys duration

The survey duration distribution per enumerator could be useful to identify enumerators which are consistent (i.e. having similar duration for each of their surveys made). Be aware that a consistent survey durations could be interpreted in different ways, it could be seen as a good thing, meaning the enumerator on the overall takes similar time to ask the questions, but it could also be interpreted as a negative sign if we assume the enumerator is filling the survey by himself and monitoring his time to not have a short overall duration. A closer monitoring of the time spend per question could help to identify the way the duration distribution has to be interpreted.

Overall number of errors per type by enumerator