This function compute the average and total time for the surveys Warning: If there are uncorrected mistakes in the survey dates, it can lead to have the length of the survey in seconds and this check will not performed well

assessmentDuration(ds = NULL, dates = NULL)



dataset containing the survey (from kobo): data.frame


name of the fields where the information about the start and end date of the survey is stored: list of string (c('start_date','end_date'))


dst same dataset as the inputed one but with survey marked for deletion if errors are found and delete=TRUE (or NULL)

ret_log list of the errors found (or NULL)

var a list of value (or NULL)

graph graphical representation of the results (or NULL)


Yannick Pascaud


{ ds <- HighFrequencyChecks::sample_dataset dates <- c("survey_start","end_survey") list[dst,ret_log,var,graph] <- assessmentDuration(ds=ds, dates=dates) print(var) }
#> [1] "The total time of data collection is 17872.7 minutes and the average time per survey is 35.89 minutes"