koboloadeR 0.1.9

  • changed all read.csv to read_csv to better address rendering of unicode characters

  • simplified the correlogram

  • parallelised crunching

  • fixed bug on select_multiple

koboloadeR 0.1.8

  • Re-factored the koboloadeR project structure so that it looks like a data package - R, data-raw, data - applying suggestions made here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statnmap/prez/master/2019-07_useR_Toulouse.pdf

  • Remove dependency to java - by switching to openxlsx package

  • Included dependency to unhcRstyle package where all the brand style is managed - used now an argument to crunching report function

  • Saving now all intermediary file as binary rda – not yet tested fully…

koboloadeR 0.1.7

  • Added different output for the crunching report - docx, pptx, html, aspx

  • Added an additional column in the dico to group questions in chapters within reports

  • Added more explanation on the crunching report

koboloadeR 0.1.6

  • Added functions to generate dummy dataset

  • Added example project

  • Created and reviewed project documentation

koboloadeR 0.1.5

  • Added a shinapp to provide a gui for the package

  • Turned previous scripts into functions

koboloadeR 0.1.4

  • Added a template for report generation in word as well as specific version of chart loop to be inserted in the report

  • Add a function to split select_multiple - used within kobo_encode

  • Fixed kobo_projectinit path to copy files

koboloadeR 0.1.3

Forked from https://github.com/mrdwab/koboloadeR

  • Adding a kobo_projectinit function to set the data anlysis project folders, write the config file and add some analysis scripts.

  • Adding a kobo_form function to get the form from the api. This includes 2 subfunctions: kobo_dataset2 to have a better view of used forms & kobo_forminfo in order to get the form creater user name and pull it correctly from the API.

  • Adding a kobo_dico function to parse the form and build a data dictionnary. The dictionnary is used to automatically generate graphs and maps. A inked functions is kobo_label that allows to recreate labels easily using the dictionnary.

  • Adding a kobo_label function to add labels to variable using dictionnary

  • Adding a kobo_encode function to re-encode variables as per dictionnary

  • Adding a kobo_bar_one function to generate bar chart - frequency for all select_one questions

  • Adding a kobo_bar_multi function to generate bar chart - frequency for all select_multiple questions

  • Adding a kobo_histo function to generate histogramme for all integer questions

  • Adding a kobo_trend function to generate histogramme for all select_one and select_multiple questions based

  • Adding a kobo_bar_one_facet function to generate bar chart for all select_one questions facetted on questions tagged as facet in the data analysis plan

  • Adding a kobo_correlate function to generate dot plot for all integer questions correlated with integer questions tagged as correlate in the data analysis plan

  • Added UNHCR Kobotoolbox server API and put it per default