Load Packages

Prepare Data

The map is presented with the Bertin 1953 projection

thisbureau <- "Americas"
lastyear <- max(unhcrdatapackage::end_year_population_totals_long$Year)

end_year_population_totals_long.asy <- dplyr::left_join( x= unhcrdatapackage::end_year_population_totals_long, 
                                                     y= unhcrdatapackage::reference, 
                                                     by = c("CountryAsylumCode" = "iso_3"))
ooc_central <-   end_year_population_totals_long.asy[end_year_population_totals_long.asy$CountryAsylumCode %in% c("GTM", "SLV", "HND", "MEX") &
                                                              end_year_population_totals_long.asy$Population.type =="OOC" ,
                                                            c("CountryAsylumCode","CountryAsylumName", "Year", "Value") ]  %>%
  group_by(Year, CountryAsylumCode, CountryAsylumName ) %>%
  summarise(Value = sum(Value) ) 
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'Year', 'CountryAsylumCode'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.

Generate Plot

ooc_centralplot <- ggplot(ooc_central, 
           color=CountryAsylumName)) +
          # linetype=CountryAsylumName)) +
              method = "loess", 
              level = 0.95, 
              fullrange = TRUE, 
              se = FALSE) + 
  # scale_color_manual(values=c(IDMC="orange",
  #                             UNHCR="sienna" )) + 
  scale_y_continuous( label = scales::label_number_si()) + ## Format axis number
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 1.1, colour = "#333333") +
  unhcRstyle::unhcr_theme(base_size = 8)  + ## Insert UNHCR Style
  theme(#legend.position = "none"
        panel.grid.major.y  = element_line(color = "#cbcbcb"), 
        panel.grid.major.x  = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank()    ) +
  ## and the chart labels
  labs(title = "Other of Concern in Central America ",
      # subtitle = "",
       x = "",
       y = "",
       caption = "Source: UNHCR.org/refugee-statistics & IDMC ") 
