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Chart Library: Top Questions
Top Refugee hosting Countries
Tree Map of Categories
Where do Refugees go?
Chart Library: Evolution
Biggest decrease in Refugee Population
Biggest increase in Refugee Population
Comparison over time by Region
Evolution over time of the different Population of Concern
Evolution by Country of Origin
Refugee Over time
Smootheed Evolution over time
Chart Library: Demographics
Refugees Age Pyramid
Chart Library: Status Determination
Asylum Processing
Refugee Recognition rate
Refugee Status Determination Application
Chart Library: Solutions
Refugees accessing durable solutions
Solution Evolution
Resettlement Trend
Chart Library: Ratio
Population origin-destination
Proportion of the population who are refugees, by country of origin
Ratio Refugee / Host population
Ratio Refugee Migrant
Chart Library: Maps
Mapping Refugee Location
Mapping IDP Location
Map Venezuelan
Chart Library: Animation
Refugee Chart Race
Country Focus
All vignettes
Asylum Processing
Biggest decrease in Refugee Population
Biggest increase in Refugee Population
Comparison over time by Region
Evolution over time of the different Population of Concern
Evolution by Country of Origin
Map Venezuelan
Mapping IDP Location
Mapping Refugee Location
Migrant and Forcible Displacement
Population origin-destination
Proportion of the population who are refugees, by country of origin
Ratio Refugee / Host population
Refugee Over time
Refugee Recognition rate
Refugee Status Determination Application
Refugees accessing durable solutions
Refugees Age Pyramid
Refugee Chart Race
Resettlement Trend
Smootheed Evolution over time
Solution Evolution
Top Refugee hosting Countries
Tree Map of Categories
Where do Refugees go?